
Posts Tagged ‘changing seasons’

leaves2013 copy

Other than a freak snow storm in the movie version of The Wizard of Oz there was no mention of weather let alone seasons. I count myself lucky because I live in an area in the United State where the four seasons are distinct and unique.

When the leaves begin to change colors and the nights become cooler I like fall best. But then again, when the temperature drops and it begins to snow, winter is my favorite season. I could continue, but I believe you get my point.

There are some who believe that our personalities are affected by the seasonal changes. I don’t know enough about this to say “yea” or “nay.”  Suffice it to say that I see seasons in a broader sense. I believe there are seasons in our lives. And while I wasn’t seasoned enough to appreciate the 1979 publication of Daniel Levinson’s The Season of a Man’s Life when I first read it, I’ve life enough seasons since then to have a better appreciation of the season’s in our lives.

However, I don’t see the seasons as merely a  steady chronological progression…even though I do agree that as we age we age like a good wine; we are seasoned. I believe that our seasoning depends upon a number of factors…some of them in our control and some outside out. With every step we take we enter a new season. With every event in our lives we also enter another season.

Dorothy’s time in Oz actually covered a number of different season. Every step she took along the yellow brick road changed her, made her wiser, helped enrich her life…all that despite the fact that some fo the seasons were dark and stormy.

I look at seasons, not as something that is passing, but something new about to happen.  And with every change of season, I take the opportunity to reflect…to look back, but more importantly, to look ahead.

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