
Archive for the ‘2020 Democratic Party debates’ Category

muck and mire

Preface in the name of transparency: I could never run for political office because I don’t wear a hat I could throw in the ring. I never have and never will wear a MAGA hat. I also won’t wear a hat bearing any symbols of the party that embraces donkey icons.

The 2020 Presidential Race on the YBR. Here we go again.

This is not the first presidential race where I scratch my head and say, “is this the best we can do?”  And while every presidential race is important, this one, I firmly believe, carries with it a weight that might even surpass that of the elections during World War I, the Great depression, and World War II. In 2020 we are going to the polls not only to elect the next president of the United States but of a world leader with 20/20 vision because POTUS has to have a world vision.

I ask, is this possible since we have, for lack of a better name, Muck and Mire running for office.

So we are all on the same page here, let’s refer to Mr. Funk and Mr. Wagnalls: muck is slimy mud while mire is deep mud.

Donald Muck is, without a doubt, slimy mud.  Putting aside both the ass-kissers who would follow Mr. Muck into hell and the brainless haters of the Muck who wouldn’t approve anything he did even if he walked on water, he is slimy. Giving him credit where credit is due and calling him out on some of his most egregious decisions, there is something slimy about the man. And that is not meant to be a disparaging term for a man who holds the highest office in the land. President Muck came up through the slime that comes from years of wheeling and dealing, rolling in the money, playing kissy-kissy with mindless jet-setters, and playing the part of a celebrity.

There was no way that anyone who lived such a life could not have been covered with muck. And as far as I know, there doesn’t seem to be a cure for muckiness because an inflated ego can never be cleaned.

At this point in time it appears the former Vice-President Joe Mire is going to be the candidate endorsed by the Democrats.  Joe Mire appears to be a nice and decent guy. In fact the first word that comes to mind is “harmless.”  Harmless? Is that the penultimate quality we want in our next president?  He might have served as vice-president under President Obama for eight years, but the only image I have of him reminds me of a great-uncle who smiled a lot, but was never in the room when important matters were discussed.  (And let’s be honest, Obama was playing it politically cool during the early days of the Democratic run-for-the White House.)

Joe Mire didn’t get to his political pinnacle the same way Donald Mire scaled the heights of richdom, but Good ‘ol Joe is deep in the political mud.  He played the right games, kissed the right assess, and made the most banal comments to get him where he is today.

OMG! Muck and Mire!  If there is a God can we all get down on our knees and pray for a do-over.

My gut tells me that the next four years are going to be wasted years.  The Dems don’t want to present us with greatness in any shape and form for fear that it would destroy that candidates political career in a race against Muck. And of course any sensible (if there are any left) Republican realizes it would be impossible to offer America another candidate.

Politics is not only a dirty game, it is sinful.  Our two party system is totally outdated.  It’s like an eight-track player in a day when everyone is streaming their music.  Instead of having only two boring stations to listen to, people are listening to their music, their way.

At my age I won’t live to see it happen, but I pray that my children and grandchildren will live at a time when instead of another presidential race with the next Muck and Mire, they have a chance to vote for Ready or Willing and maybe a third candidate Able.

read and willing

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a candidate who was really ready to take the presidential oath of office and swear they would uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. How refreshing would it be to have a candidate ready to consider the needs of ALL Americans without playing petty party politics..even if it mean only serving one term.  Can you imagine a president ready to take on the challenges of helping the world become a place where all people are all entitled to those inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!

And what about a Willing candidate?  Is it possible to have a president who is willing to break the chains of partisanship? Can you envision a time when President Willing doesn’t have to reach across the aisle because there is no aisle that divides Congress? What a new day it would be if we had a president who was willing to put the people first instead of the party.

Candidate Able could also be a viable candidate, but, they might not be necessary as long as both candidates Ready and Willing were able to lead with the qualities found along the Yellow Brick Road… intelligence, heart, and courage…to do the right thing.

(Please note that no alcohol was consumed while posting this blog.)

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Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Las Vegas Ahead Of Nevada Caucuses

Because most politicians leave a bad taste in my mouth, I’m going to turn the microphone over to the Scarecrow for his thoughts on the current Democratic presidential race for the White House.

“My head might be filled with straw, but after following the Dems on the debate stage I’d have to admit I could do a better job than the Dems left in the race.

“Bottom line, the Dems in the race have one thing in common. They want to beat Trump in November. You know that adage about shooting yourself in the foot? Well, that’s what I think the Dems in the race are doing…and they are doing a great job.

“Debate-after-debate they are acting like children (my apologies to the children in the world who could do a better job). Now that Bloomberg is in the race the other Dems in the race decided to bring out the heavy artillery to blow the former mayor off the stage.

“What in the world are they doing? Bidden is attacked by Warren. Warren is given a gut punch by Sanders. In turn Buttigieg slams Sanders, who in turn is castigated by Klobuchar.

“Do they really think they are doing the Democratic Party a favor by throwing one punch after another at each other? Don’t they know that in the end the Dems will nominate a loser because that’s what they are calling each other. And to make the whole ridiculous situation more ridiculous, after ONE of the Dems in the race is given the nomination nod, they will get the full support of the people who told us that the nominee is an idiot.

“Why can’t the Dems grow up and try something new. Instead of finding serious faults with the other candidates, why can’t one of them say something like this:

I’m not here to find fault with my fellow nominees.  It serves no purpose to tell you why you shouldn’t nominate my fellow challengers. In fact it hurts our party.  Instead, my purpose going forward is to just tell you what I hope to do as the party’s nominee for president.

Understand I want YOU to determine why I am the right candidate based on what I say I want to do.  I want to be asked tough questions and I want to restrict my answers to where I stand on the issue at hand. I don’t want to say that my opponents are wrong. That’s where you come in. I don’t want to resort to character assassination to make you believe in me and my candidacy. I want to leave Milwaukee with support, not division.

But what do I know. I’m only the scarecrow in the room. All I can say to the Dems in the race is if you want to beat Trump, stop beating each other up on the debate stage.


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