
Archive for June, 2018

angry tin man

Today’s armed assault at a newspaper office in Annapolis is the umpteenth time that innocent people have been gunned down. While the news media will be focusing on this tragedy a divided nation will be further divided because we are basically stupid.  We stage protests, shake out fist at those who don’t agree with us, and damn Donald Trump to yet another lower level in hell….nothing, absolutely nothing gets done.

But guess what?  I’m not going to blog about the shooting or wave a magic wand to make things better.  Instead I’m going to go way out on a limb and talk about something that radically pisses me off!.

I’m sick and tired of hearing people say “our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families.”

That doesn’t mean my heart doesn’t go out to the victims and their families. It does.  But this pray bit has become total bull shit for me.  Not to disparage “believers,” but I can’t take all this crap about a caring and loving god!

I find the whole idea about organized religion to be the biggest sham ever.  I don’t believe for a minute the pious prelate who joins hands with someone from another religious belief claiming that differences don’t matter.

Ask a rabbi what they think about a practicing Jew converting to Christianity or a Catholic joining a Baptist Church or choosing to embrace another religion.

I’m not talking about crazy religions with some really outrageous rules a believe has to adhere to.  I’m talking about how we play the God card whenever something goes terribly wrong here.

Shit happens.  Storms and fires.  Accidents happen. Some people walk away from an accident while some don’t.  People get terminal illnesses.  Little babies die.

The God of the Old Testament was a real son-of-a-bitch.  People who didn’t keep dietary laws were condemned.  There were soooooooooooo many stupid rules just to make this whack-a-doodle god happy.

And then came Jesus who supposedly died for our sins.  Come on.  The whole story about original sin was a set up.  If you believe the crap about the Garden of Eden you know we did the right thing.

I don’t think we should be praying to this fickle God, we should say, “what the hell are you doing?  If you really loved us you wouldn’t act the way you!”

But you know what?  We are the ones responsible for our actions and we are the only ones who can do anything about it.

And natural disaster?  God has nothing to do with them,  They are natural.

NB:  If my blog had a real following I am sure I would be vilified for going out on a limb.

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